PE: Can you introduce yourself and let our readers know who you are and a little about yourself?
Loren: My name is Loren Lemcke and I am a solo game developer. I like video games, disc golf, brewing beer, and metal detecting. I have been making games in Oulu, Finland full time for seven years now.
PE: How did you get into making video games?
Loren: I got into programming at an early age through a computer game called RoboWar, in which you would use a custom language to program robots to fight in an arena. That sparked an interest in programming, but I never seriously ventured into game development until a bit later after university.
I got tired of waiting for a new hockey game so I made one. That is the impetus behind all my games. I am motivated by a hunger for games that do not exist and may never if I don’t make them myself.
PE: What titles have you made in addition to Super Blood Hockey?
Loren: The only other game that I have released is Over 9000 Zombies!, which is a top-down zombie shooter. I do have another project currently under development.
PE: Are there any other titles that you have contributed to in some way?
Loren: Nope, I’ve only ever worked on my own projects. Someday I would definitely like to collaborate with some other awesome indie devs!
PE: What title(s) are you working on now? Any info you can share about your next game(s)?
Loren: I am currently working on my third title called Terror of Hemasaurus, which is my venture into the Kaiju genre. After that, I have unofficial plans to make another title in the Super Blood Sports universe. Right now I am leaning towards an American football game.
PE: How has it been joining the gaming industry? What are your personal pros and cons?
Loren: I love being a game developer. It is literally one of my dream jobs. It’s a ton of work to make a game, but it’s easier to do when you are working for yourself. I am also fortunate enough to have a great community of very supportive fans who keep me motivated and offer crucial feedback.
On the flipside it can be very nerve wracking. It’s scary to work on a project for multiple years not knowing whether it will end up paying the bills. Not only that, but you want people to have fun with the game, and the reality is there is no game that everybody will like. You are sure to encounter some harsh criticism along the way and it can be draining when you are heavily emotionally invested in your project.
PE: How does it feel to have your title be Premium Edition Games's very first physical release?
Loren: It’s a huge honor. It simply feels great to have people believe in your game! I honestly couldn’t be more excited to see a physical release of Super Blood Hockey. It’s another dream come true! I can also rest easy knowing it's in good hands.
PE: If you could design an entry in any video game series, what would be your dream gig?
Loren: I would love to make a new Smash TV game! I think the gameplay formula would suit my strengths as a developer and the blood-sport aspect of the story would play into my wheelhouse.
PE: Thanks so much for your time Loren! Last question, where can people follow you to hear and see all your wonderful creations?
Loren: Thank you for taking the time to interview me!

Check me out on Twitter at @LorenLemcke for all the development updates and juicy gifs from my latest projects!